10 Ways to Make Your Home Feel More Joyful

10 Ways to Make Your Home Feel More Joyful

By Laura Gaskill
A home bursting with joy is something you can feel the instant you walk in the door. But what is it that makes a home joyful? Certainly the mood we bring with us has a bearing on our experience of home, but the spaces we inhabit also have the power to influence us. If you want to feel more joyful at home, these 10 thoughtful touches may help pave your path to joy. Bold color, fresh flowers and happy puppies straight ahead.
Be a kid again. What did you love to do when you were a kid? Whether it was building with Lego, playing pinball or making dollhouse furniture, there’s no reason you can’t pick up where you left off just because you’re all grown up. Or perhaps you’ve picked up a new fun pastime along the way that deserves a bit more space. Embrace your playful spirit with a pool table in the garage, turntables in the dining room or a backyard disc golf course.
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