Glendale Historical Society Restoration Expo 2019

Glendale Historical Society Restoration Expo 2019

Calling all owners of vintage properties! Do you live in a quintessential California Ranch? What about a cozy craftsman? Does your home need a little TLC to bring it back to its original charm and character? Look no further than the Glendale Historical Society’s 2019 Restoration Expo! Join Deasy Penner Podley this Saturday, May 11th as we support our resident architectural historians, The Berkley, Lander, Lamprecht Group at the annual event. The event is free and open to the public and will feature a docent-led tour of a restored 1928 Spanish Colonial Revival home, as well as a forum on all things home restoration. Learn valuable tips and tricks from industry leaders on how to begin the daunting process of restoration. Deasy Penner Podley’s own, Barbara Lamprecht will give a talk on the U.S. Department of Interiors’s Historic Preservation Standards. Another not to be missed talk will be given by Brett Waterman, star of the HGTV show, “Restored.” The event begins at 9am and continues to 4pm.
For more information visit the Glendale Historical Society’s website here

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