By Mark David
Always impeccably informed real estate yenta Yolanda Yakketyyak sent word that pediatrician-turned-multiple-Emmy-nominated writer-producer Neal Baer has shelled out $4.35 million for a in the Hollywood Hills sold by celebrated celebrity photographer Cliff Watts, who has snapped memorable images of a slew of A-listers including Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett, James Franco and Javier Bardem.
Concealed behind massive gates with three bedrooms and two bathrooms in not quite 2,800 square feet, the International Style residence was designed in the mid-1950s by card-carrying Communist architect Josef Van der Kar for arch-conservative nuclear arms strategists Albert and Roberta Wohlstetter. So the story goes, the Wohlstetters, who served as advisers to both Republican and Democratic administrations, including that of John F. Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis, once had a secured phone line directly from the house to the Oval Office.
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